Wednesday 18 May 2016

Off The Beaten Path: Alligator Hole River Mouth

On one of my many visits to Farquhar's Beach, my mom was telling me that global warming was really damaging our environment and coming to Farquhar's Beach made her realize the extent of the beach erosion that was taking place in our beautiful island. I asked her to explain as at the time I hadn't been to Farquhars Beach in over 20 years and had just recently started hanging out there again. 

 She explained that there used to be a beautiful river on the other side and they used to walk alongside the seashore to get to it. I looked at her and the coastline and said well we needed a boat to get around there. I asked Jah D about this "wonderful river" and he asked if I had ever been to Alligator Hole, I said yes, and he further explained that the river that mom was talking about was the river mouth i.e. where the river exits into the sea. 

You know who got excited, so I asked if there were any available fishermen who could "sail" us around there and back for a small fee. He looked around and said no, but, there was a little road if we were fit, we could walk it as its just about one mile or if we didn't overly worship the car we could drive around there. We picked the drive option, and its a jolly good thing we did as Jah D's one mile and the distance on my odometer were two different things. 


The view was magnificent, it reminded me somewhat of Big Sur in California, absolutely amazing. The journey took twice as long as it should as we constantly had to stop for me to take pictures. When we thought that maybe we were lost we saw a nice sandy stretch of beach so we parked and strolled around. 

We finally discovered the Alligator Hole River Mouth and what an amazing experience it was, the water was icy cold and completely refreshing. It was only the threat of sunburn why we eventually left. It was the experience of a lifetime.

Make sure that you visit and have fun, we did! Remember guys there are no lifeguards on deck and that section of the river has tons of currents in there, to haul you out to sea...

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