Friday 13 May 2016

Off The Beaten Path to Cane River

"Up a Cane River to wash my dreads, upon a rock I rest my head..." - Bob Marley, Trench Town

I'm an avid explorer when it comes to Jamaica, and over the years I have been hearing about Cane River and several persons have encouraged me to visit. So I finally decided why not? Upon researching the location one whimsical fact that I learned was that Bob Marley used to wash his locks there almost everyday, hence, the lyrics in Trench Town "up a Cane River to my dread..."...

We got off to a late start and after hearing several directions from varying persons I decided to do what I do best and that is, to drive and ask questions. Please note, when you are told that a location is just around the corner, please ask if its town just around the corner or if its country just around the corner as they are not one and the same. 

After driving and driving and more driving, we felt lost, but, we eventually arrived. At first I was a bit disappointed because I didn't see what was the big deal until the caretakers at the property directed us to the falls. Massi mi massa, what a trek it was; but it was so worth it.

After parking and changing into our swim things, we followed the guide's directions and walked through a miniature cavern and down a not so friendly staircase of approximately 150 steps. The journey down wasn't bad, but Saviour Divine the journey up was not for the faint of heart. I swear that I lost 300lbs that I didn't have on the return leg. 

After walking down the staircase one will walk through a river bed that is oft times dry or have low water and walk a short distance to a pool where twin falls cascade into it. Oh what a beauty it was. Please note that one needs proper footwear such as aqua socks and/ or water shoes and whatever, needs that you think you may have bring it with you as no food is sold on location and there are no shops nearby. Please note that the island was experiencing a severe drought during our visit, hence, the small watersprout...

 Have fun! I know that I did....

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